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Welcome to Luleå University of Technology
The Institution
Composed of two faculties, Luleå University of Technology (LTU) has 17,000 students and 1,600 employees and conducts world-class education and research in the fields of engineering, economics, media, music, social sciences and health sciences. Research is carried out in close cooperation with companies such as Shell, Ericsson, Scania, LKAB, Airbus, Volvo Aero, IBM and international universities. LTU characterises itself by its strong international relations and has extensive experience in managing student and staff mobility and has participated in the Erasmus programme since the 1990’s. The ECTS mechanism and the standardised Diploma Supplement are used for all international students.
A centre for growth, Luleå is situated in the province of Norrbotten that spans a quarter of Sweden’s surface area. Luleå is truly a place of contrast, you will be surprised by the international atmosphere while at the same time the closeness of the unspoiled countryside that opens up unlimited possibilities of exploration. Luleå offers action-packed adventure but also tranquillity, peace and quiet. In winter the town is clothed in white but in summer it is embraced by the sun and heat. Luleå is a town that connects the sea and the Swedish Lapland, which shows its rich diversity of countryside.
Projects in the field of Raw Materials
- PREP – Primary resource efficiency by enhanced prediction: A project funded by VINNOVA and other industry since 2014, which explores deposit and process modeling for the development of an integrated geometallurgical modeling and simulation environment.
- Geomet@LKAB: Industrial course for LKAB, funded by the company and run approximately every second year. Topics include: Process mineralogy, mineral processing and geometallurgical modelling.
- ReMine – Improving Resource Efficiency and Minimise Environmental Footprint. Project funded by ERA-Min since 2016, that explores re-processing of historical tailings in order to decrease the amount of harmful wastes and recover metals and minerals.
- FAME – Flexible and Mobile Economic Processing Technologies for skarn, pegmatite and greisen ores. Project funded by H2020 since 2015, that looks at the development of efficient and environmentally sound processing routes for the extraction of Critical Raw Materials.
- ARN – Alternative Mineral Raw Materials in Northern Sweden. Project funded by the European Union, through the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and the Norrbotten County Council. Studying the development of computer software for advanced statistical analysis of integrated geological and geophysical data to generate ore deposit signatures (precious metals and critical raw materials).
- REEcover – Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from magnetic waste in the WEEE recycling industry and tailings from the iron ore industry. 2014-2016, 7th Framework Programme.
CAMM is the Centre of Advanced Mining and Metallurgy established at Luleå University of Technology. Based on strategic funds from the Swedish government, it is a centre of excellence in mining and metallurgy and carries out world class research within the field.
Key EMerald staff

Academic staff
Professor Jan Rosenkranz
Associate Professor Mehdi Parian
Professor Bertil Palsson
Senior lecturer Nils Jansson
Associate Professor Saeed Chehreh Chelgani
Course specialisation
Geometallurgy, ore geology, mineral processing and simulation for base metal ores
Research and development with the Nordic mining industry
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