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Welcome to TUBAF
The Institution
TU Bergakademie Freiberg is an established university in applied and engineering research in the field of mineral and secondary resources. The Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mineral Processing is the responsible coordinator of the EMerald programme. The National Research Centre on resources technology of the Helmholtz Society is also located in Freiberg. Both entities collaborate in the programme structure and provide the perfect scientific and technological framework for the master thesis within the EMerald programme. Students have the possibility to work on their master thesis within high level and unique experimental environments in economic geology, as well as in engineering topics such as the beam line for ore characterisation and the unique processing pilot plant. TU Bergakademie Freiberg has an extensive network of German industrial partners in the field of georesources which gives the students an additional opportunity to broaden their professional network and find career opportunities upon graduation. During the last semester students are able to choose additional courses from the broad English curriculum.

The Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF) pursues the objective of developing innovative technologies for the economy so that mineral and metalliferous raw materials can be made available, used more efficiently and recycled in an environmentally friendly manner. The HIF was founded on 29 August 2011 and is established jointly by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and the TU Bergakademie Freiberg.
Geometallurgy lab
The Freiberg Geometallurgy Laboratory operates two Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) FEI Quanta 650 MLA-FEG with identical hardware and software implementation. Both SEM are equipped with two parallel Bruker X-Flash EDS detectors and identical software versions of the MLA 2.9 and MLA 3.1 programme by FEI.
Freiberg is a mining town in the Free State of Saxony, Germany. Its historic town centre is under heritage conservation and is a choosen site for the proposed UNESCO World Heritage Site known as the Ore Mountain Mining Region. Until 1969, the town was dominated for around 800 years by the mining and smelting industries and in recent decades it has restructured into a high technology site in the fields of semiconductor manufacturing and solar technology, making it part of the Silicon Saxony area.
The town lies on the northern declivity of the Ore Mountains. Freiberg lies within a region of old forest clearances which have been left as a mark on the landscape by the mining industry. Freiberg is located about 31 kilometres west-southwest of Dresden, about 179 kilometres south of Berlin and about 120 kilometres northwest of Prague.
Projects in the field of Raw Materials
- RoStar – upscaling of the RoStar ultra fine grinding mill for liberation of high valued ores (2016-2018 with Université de Liège, CEMTEC, Maelgwyn Mineral Services Limited)
- SFB920 – Sub project B01: Increase of filtration efficiency of deep bed filter through influence of adhesion mechanism (2011-2019, financed by the German Research Foundation/DFG with a consortium of institutes at TUBAF)
- SPP 2045 MehrDimPart – Priority Programme 2045 “Multidimensional Fractionation of fine Particle Systems” (2016-2023, financed by DFG, with TU Berlin, University Duisburg-Essen, FAU Erlangen and TU Clausthal)
Key EMerald staff

Academic staff
Professor Urs Peuker
Professor Markus Reuter
Professor Alexandros Charitos
Professor Tobias Fieback
Professor Bernhard Schulz
Admin staff
Sophia Kohl : sophia.kohl@zuv.tu-freiberg.de
Course specialisations
Unit operations in mineral processing
Landfill mining and recycling
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